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'Get To Know Your Pastors' Edition

Some quick questions to get to know our wonderful pastors, Benaiah and Charlie Halliday...

1. Describe yourself in one word?

Ps Charlie: Fierce.

Ps Benaiah: Hilarious.


2. Describe your spouse in one word:

Ps Charlie: Kind.

Ps Benaiah: Underrated.


3. Favourite meal?

Ps Charlie: Lasange (Gluten-free - Benaiah special!).

Ps Benaiah: Anything Italian!


4. Favourite movie?

Ps Charlie: The Holiday.

Ps Benaiah: The Dark Knight (Batman!).


5. Favourite hobby?

Ps Charlie: Paddleboarding and travel!

Ps Benaiah: Studying the USA financial markets... or cars or motorbikes.


6. Something you couldn’t live without?

Ps Charlie: My coffee maker.

Ps Benaiah: Sarlie (our Newfy).


7. Current Music you're loving?

Ps Charlie: 'Peace' (album by Bethel Music).

Ps Benaiah: Anything by Bon Iver, or 'People' (album by Hillsong United).


8. Something people don’t know about you?

Ps Charlie: I’m a bit of a “handyman” (bring on the flat packs!).

Ps Benaiah: I love entrepreneurship.


9. What is a quirky or unusual fear that you have?

Ps Charlie: Feet.

Ps Benaiah: Spiders and small spaces.


10. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

Ps Charlie: Rudeness.

Ps Benaiah: Items getting smaller in the supermarket but more expensive (have you noticed this?!).


11. What’s something you wish people knew about your spouse?

Ps Charlie: How kind he is.

Ps Benaiah: How powerful her prophetic gifting is. Also how sacrificial she is.


12. Date night looks like?

Ps Charlie: A movie together at Shellharbour with a large popcorn.

Ps Benaiah: Don’t forget the subway cookies!


13. What would you be doing if you weren’t pastoring?

Ps Charlie: I’ve always wanted to be a medical surgeon.

Ps Benaiah: Probably working on a startup in Silicon Valley (USA).


14. What inspires you?

Ps Charlie: People who think big!

Ps Benaiah: Pioneers!


15. What are you thankful for in this season?

Ps Charlie: My husband and God's grace.

Ps Benaiah: A healthy son, an incredible wife, and a church family who knows how to support each other in an unusual season.


16. One piece of advice to leave us with:

Ps Charlie: Trust God and step out because people often don’t regret what they DID do in life but rather what they DID NOT do.

Ps Benaiah: Don’t lose the song in your spirit.

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