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Baby Dedication Information

Dear Parents, I am writing to you in regards to our upcoming Baby Dedications Service. I would love to take this opportunity to explain the purpose of Baby Dedications & encourage you to prayerfully consider this powerful commitment you will be making.

The Bible


As a Pentecostal church, believing in the necessity for personal repentance and faith, we do not baptise or “christen” children. Instead, we observe the scriptural practice of “dedicating children to the Lord”.


There are several scriptures on which we base the Biblical mandate for presenting a child back to God. These include, 1 Samuel 1:20-28, Matthew 19:13-15, Mark 10:13-16, and Luke 2:21,22,25,28-30,33,40.


Since the act of dedication is involuntary as far as your child is concerned, the most meaningful part of the service is the declaration of the parents to raise their child up in the ways of the Lord.

The Purpose


The purpose of this service is to help you as parents appreciate your responsibility to train your child in the ways of the Lord so that, when they are able to decide for themselves, they will choose to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Saviour. Simply put, it is doing everything you can to point your child to Jesus. God has a purpose for your child’s life. We know it is the calling of every person to discover and live out their God-given purpose. As a parent, it is your privilege and duty to guide your child in such a way as to make the will of God the greatest ambition of their life. Your greatest challenge is to help your child on their quest to discover their God-given destiny. May God grant you supernatural wisdom and strength to accomplish this calling.


Of course, you are not alone! Parenting is one of the great challenges of life. Pray and follow God's prompting, but also, ask for help! Reach out for mentorship. Speak to those who have gone before and those who lead you. We are better together!

The Declaration


To clearly understand this declaration, allow me to outline the three questions we will ask as a public declaration of your commitment to Godly parenting. As you publicly answer these questions with “we do,” our prayer is that God would give you His grace and wisdom to lead your child with His power.


1. Do you now present your child before God today?

2. Do you dedicate yourselves to bringing up your child in the ways of God, always pointing to Jesus?


3. Do you promise to instruct your child in the teachings of Jesus, the practice of prayer, to guide the development of a Christ-like character, not forsaking meeting together, and to teach your child to build their life on Christ & His word?


We are excited to stand with you as a church family on this special day!

Kind Regards, Ps Joel Mitchell

Executive Pastor Celebration Church

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